Posts Tagged ‘rufus wainwright’
When Rufus met Harry
Rufus and Harry Belafonte backstage at the 2013 Kennedy Center Honours Gala, Sunday Dec 8. Rufus was there to interpret 2 songs by Billy Joel who was being honoured and Harry Belafonte is a past-recipient. Pics by Jorn Weisbrodt.
When Rufus met Harry from a. lanken on Vimeo.
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Visit to Kate’s monument at St-Sauveur Parish Cemetery.
This past week was all about Kate, and what a week it was. The family got to see the new monument for the first time on Sun Aug 4. The simple white stone designed by Rufus and Martha and executed by the Brunet family of Ormstown is a fitting tribute to the lovely talented Kate. Her drawing of ‘Skigirl’ graces the front of the stone and on the back is a banjo incorporating lyrics from Kate’s Talk to Me of Mendocino drawn by Rufus.
On Aug. 7 the Place Kate-McGarrigle, a new parkette, on Laurier near Querbes in Outremont, was officially opened and amidst all the speeches and tributes was a special one by Kate’s old friend and piper Ken Mackenzie. Upon hearing the stirring pipes, the President of the Outremont Historical Society turned to me and said ‘I thought you were of Irish and French descent?’ Well, we are mostly, but our paternal grandmother was Joanna Gillis of Fairville, N.B. and for sure we’ve also got good old Native Canadian blood on my mother’s side, like most French-Canadians.
On the evening of Aug 8 the family along with special guests, Robert Charlebois, Marie-Michele Desrosiers, Michel Rivard, Fanny Bloom and Pierre Lapointe did two pretty amazing back-to-back concerts at the Outremont Theatre on Bernard Ouest, in aid of the Kate McGarrigle Fund for Cancer Research. This was followed by an all-night party at Campbell Hendery’s place in the Mile-End..I’m still recovering. Merci, mercy…thank you.
A video I shot at the cemetery intercut with Ken at Place Kate.
Unveiling of Kate’s monument in St Sauveur Parish Cemetery Aug 4 2013. from a. lanken on Vimeo.
Tags: kate mcgarrigle, martha wainwright, rufus wainwright
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‘Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais.’ Rufus sings Serge Gainsbourg.
Rufus Wainwright sings ‘Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais.’ My magnificent obsession.
Tags: je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais, lulu gainsbourg, rufus wainwright, serge gainsbourg
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House of Rufus
Rolls off the tongue nicely, doesn’t it? Somewhere between the House of Windsor and the House of Usher??
Here they all are at soundcheck today. Rufus, Martha, Lily, Calum, Liam, Brad and Thomas.
Tags: House of Rufus, martha wainwright, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, rufus wainwright
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This Summer
Last Tuesday I drove up to Québec City to see Martha perform at the annual sprawling Festival d’été. There are many stages throughout the City and she was playing Le pigeonnier, a stage Kate and I had played in the mid 90s. I don’t have to tell you, Martha was Magnificent. The audience was in her thrall throughout. At one point she kindly asked me to join her on stage so I could massacre Entre Lajeunesse et la sagesse on the piano while she sang it like an angel. In all the years I’ve sung and sometimes played the bass on that song I had never actually played it on piano. It’s tough! as Barbie would say. I think I’ve got it now. Then Marianne Faithfull took the stage and did a very charming and heartfelt set with her band led by Kate St John.
This week Rufus, Martha, Loudon, Lucy, Brad, Thomas, Calum, Lily, and the Arc of the Covent, are all over in London doing Rufus week at Covent Garden. It sounds like it’s going to be wonderful. Check out Rufus’s site for details of this coming week’s presentations: RUFUS WAINWRIGHT SITE
Tags: arc of the covent, brad albetta, calum maccoll, car of, covent garden, lily lanken, loudon wainwright, lucy wainwright, martha wainwright, rufus wainwright, thomas bartlett
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Kate McGarrigle * obit in Time by Rufus
A lovely tribute from Rufus to Kate in Time Magazine. It is a hard time of year. She held on through last Christmas, leaving her bed temporarily to great old friends, Michèle Forest, Jack Nissenson and Peter Weldon, all of whom we sang with in the Montreal coffee-houses of the 1960s. We sat around the fireplace in St Sauveur and sang a couple of the old songs. It think it was during Shenandoah that Kate looked at Jack and said, ‘you’re making me cry.’ She wasn’t the only one.
Tags: kate mcgarrigle, rufus wainwright, time magazine
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il lance, elle compte.
The Cedars people sure know how to put on a fundraising gala. First of all get Lance Armstrong and a bunch of wealthy cyclists committed to cancer research, plenty of excellent food and drink, outstanding entertainment which included Martha and Rufus who were joined on stage by Brad and Kate, and you have the makings for a wonderful event. The setting for Heroes Night at the Mt Tremblant Casino and in the massive adjacent tent was worthy of Fellini, or a ceremony atop Mt Olympus? Little cedar trees instead of laurel crowns. I can hear Kate who knows her mythology saying ‘heroes are but fallen gods’.. whatever. I was impressed. Riding the silent gondola across the dark mountain under a beautiful starlit sky and alighting at the other end in the centre of ‘the village’ was the perfect conclusion to a most memorable evening. And they raised a ‘lot’ of money for the Cedars Cancer Institute of the MUHC.
Thanks to all who made this possible.
And don’t forget this year’s Xmas concert, A not so Silent Night, to be held Dec 9 09 at the Royal Albert Hall, London, UK. The Kate McGarrigle Fund within the MUHC.
Having trouble loading pics to this site. If you want to see Kate and Lance go to gardencourt
Tags: cedars cancer institute, heroes night, kate mcgarrigle, lance armstrong, martha wainwright, mont tremblant, rufus wainwright
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Kate to be honoured.

self-portrait on the road to compostella
The Cedars Cancer Institute of the MUHC is honouring some local notables this evening at their Heroes Night Gala which is being held at the Casino Mont-Tremblant, QC. Kate along with hockey stars Jean Beliveau and Saku Koivu among others are to receive their honours from the great Lance Armstrong who is leading a pack of 50 bike riders on a 100 km course before the dinner and ceremony. Rufus and Martha Wainwright will grace the stage along with their mum during the post-dinner concert.
For further information please contact the Cedars office at 514-843-1606 or go to Tour de Lance
Kate also has her own charity, The Kate McGarrigle Fund within the MUHC.
Go here if you want info on ‘A Not So Silent Night’ this year’s Christmas Show to be held at the Royal Albert Hall, London UK, Dec 9 09.
Tags: a not so silent night, cedars cancer foundation, jean beliveau, kate mcgarrigle, lance armstrong, martha wainwright, mont tremblant, rufus wainwright, saku koivu
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Kate does the Hamptons.
As mentioned on an earlier gardencourt blog, the singular Kate, intrepid Rufus and passionate Martha and the fab Norah Jones performed last weekend at the Watermill Foundation fundraiser “The Last Song of Summer” and they wowed the crowd as reported here at Vanity Fair. By the looks of it Jörn wowed them too! And Brad and Thomas B.
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Tags: jorn weisbrodt, kate mcgarrigle, last song of summer, martha wainwright, norah jones, robert wilson, rufus wainwright, vanity fair, watermill
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Dink’s Song aka Fare Thee Well
We didn’t make the cut for the 90 min. version of the Seeger 90th show that PBS is airing this Sunday night, so here we are doing Dink’s Song, our contribution. Kate, Bruce, Martha, Rufus, Chaim and Anna. We frankly thought it was beautiful but I guess it didn’t have enough star power. We first heard Dave Van Ronk sing it in Montreal in the early 60s. P.S. This performance was included in the 2 hr special that was aired in some markets. It’s also on the Seeger 90th DVD.
Tags: anna mcgarrigle, bruce cockburn, chaim tannenbaum, dink's song, fare thee well, kate mcgarrigle, martha wainwright, may 3, msg, rufus wainwright, seeger 90th
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