Wade Hemsworth – CBC’s Rewind with Michael Enright
Dane told me about this show on Wade that the CBC aired twice last week. Luckily it’s archived. SONGS OF WADE HEMSWORTH consists of old interviews with Wade, and some with Kate and me, intercut with live and recorded versions of Wade songs, many of them sung by the two of us along with Peter Weldon, Chaim Tannenbaum, Pat Donaldson and Dane Lanken. There’s a particularly nice version of The Wild Goose which follows Land of the Muskeag (which my daughter Lily reminds me is what the tarsands oil extraction is destroying) and yet another take on The Log Driver’s Waltz, these last three from 1977, and Ye Girls of Old Ontario, a very nice cut from Songs of the Canadian Northwoods, Wade’s Folkways recording made before Kate and I met him. His voice, rich and robust on this one. I don’t ever remember hearing any of these live studio versions. In Jane’s and my book, Mountain City Girls/Random House Canada, which appears Nov 10, I mention us meeting Wade and Shirley Singer, his folk-singing- girlfriend at the time, at the Finjan over the old Arena Bakery on Victoria Ave. in Snowdon.
P.S. Both Log Driver’s Waltz (different version than one heard in this radio show and the one in the NFB film) and My Mother Is the Ocean Sea are available on Odditties, vignette for it is at top right.
Tags: CBC REWIND, kate & anna mcgarrigle, MICHAEL ENRIGHT, wade hemsworth
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