The party’s over for some but for others it’s still going strong
It’s the wee small hours, midnight’s long gone
You look into my eyes and I look into yours
And when the band starts to play lead me onto the dance floor
Put your hands to my hips and swing me around
Put your lips to my lips…I’m off the ground
I’ll put my arms round your neck
We’ll waltz to the counter
Get our coats outa’ check
It’s night: let’s make love
It’s night: let’s make love
And we can talk about it when the morning comes
It’ll come
It always does
We’ll push it around now whether it’s right or wrong
It never was
Just because
We’ll talk about it when the morning comes
It’ll come
It always does
Hush, don’t say a word
You’ll wake the fish, you’ll scare the birds
Don’t disturb the song of the nighthawk
Let the crickets talk
It’s night: lets make love
It’s night: lets make love
And we can…..
Down lovers’ lane between the cars
We’ll hold the moon and freeze the stars
We’ll tell ol’ Luna to shine bright
Eclipse the sun, kill the light
It’s night: let’s make love
It’s night: let’s make love
And we can…..