Matapedia – newly re-mastered CD and downloads info.
Here is the itunes link for the newly re-mastered downloads. MATAPEDIA – 2012 RE-MASTERED DOWNLOADS AT iTUNES They are also available through Amazon and a myriad of other stores and music service sites.
There’s a newly-remastered CD of Matapedia now available from Outside Music Toronto. For the moment it is only available on CD. We’ll have downloads on itunes in the Fall when the earlier version that’s up there will be replaced by this newly remastered one. It’s a great sounding recording and because it was done later in Kate’s and my career (1996) it didn’t get that much notice but it is now generally considered to be among our very best work. Notable songs: Matapedia, Jacques et Gilles, Why Must We Die?, Bike Song, I Don’t Know. Actually they’re all pretty amazing. I’m sounding like Rufus now!!!!!! Accentuate the positive, yeah.