A not so Silent Night – Dec 9/09 Royal Albert Hall, London, UK.

Posted October 16th, 2009 by Anna

A not so Silent Night

The household is abuzz with preparations for this year’s Christmas Concert “A Not So Silent Night” at the Royal Albert Hall in London, UK. The Kate McGarrigle Fund of the MUHC Foundation is partnering this year with Cancer Research UK and like last year there will be a certain number of charity tickets available for those who wish to contribute to Kate’s fund.

Last year before the Christmas Concert at Carnegie, Martha Stewart invited Kate and Rufus on her show to make Kate’s ski biscuits (the rest of us tagged along to sing.) There was much yakking going on as Kate and Rufus each worked over their pots all the while answering Martha’s questions about this and that when Martha S. noticed that Ruf had inadvertently put twice the amount of the dry ingredients into his mixture. Chaos ensued and it got really silly.

Kate's ski biscuits

Kate's ski biscuits

Here is the link for the ski biscuit recipe and Kate’s and Rufus’ appearance on the Martha Stewart Show.

14 Responses:

  1. Campbie-GCT™ says:

    October 16th, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    Those ski bikkies are wowsers.
    My dentist loves them becuase of the the ( wait for it)-
    Silver Balls
    (it’s christmas time in the fillings).

  2. Gabe in VA says:

    October 16th, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Very funny and entertaining. You all should have your own show. And the cookies look delicious, too! Only uncomfortable moment for a second: When Kate starts talking about nationalized health care. NOT something most Americans want, and Martha Stewart quickly changed the subject!

  3. campbell sez buy VIP seats says:

    November 3rd, 2009 at 12:17 am

    we want you guys to buy those primo vip seats.
    the whole show is sro now.
    if you ponies up the dollars or pounds
    you’ll have a ripping good time.
    call or write today.
    if this old fool can leave montreal and fly to blighty
    then YOU can have fun and do wondrous things for cancer research just as easily.
    Looking forward to seeing many many many of you there
    I remain.

  4. gazzacymru says:

    November 8th, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Really looking forward to this now only just over 4 weeks cant wait.Is Anna going to be able to make it

  5. gazzacymru says:

    November 8th, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    Hope they sing Hard Times Come Again No More, whilst not a Xmas song its appropriate for the times we’re in and the thought for others less fortunate at this time of year

  6. gazzacymru says:

    November 10th, 2009 at 1:51 pm

    Sorry to hear you wont be there Anna, I’m really looking forward to it.Try to persuade your folks to include Hard Times Come Again No More for me on the setlist.

    Hope you are well, winter is on its way here in Wales shorter days but really wet.

    Take care keep the music coming

  7. DeGrassi Knowles says:

    November 25th, 2009 at 7:13 am

    Well, with one week to go I urge anyone reading this in UK to buy those 500 quid tickets. You’ll have a great time and do a great deal of good. Let’s hope that CRUK & The Kate McGarrigle fund will be able to get a Royal Haul !

  8. Ian Terry says:

    December 2nd, 2009 at 8:46 am

    Damn – only just found out about the concert – too late.
    Managed to catch the RFH one the other year though.
    Love the music, have done since the first album back in my college days.

  9. gazzacymru says:

    December 10th, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    What a fantastic night, could sit through it over and over again, Kate and the family did you proud.Its gotta be done again at the RAH London.Da Iawn

    Was that you Campbie presenting the shirt to Martha for her nipper.Hope you folks who came from across the enjoyed too and got back safely

  10. gazzacymru says:

    December 10th, 2009 at 6:23 pm

    Campbie,just been looking up some info and found out it was you with the shirt, we could have met up and sung the Bells of Rhynmey.I think you said it was going to be your first time in London, hope you had a good time.

    Anna, it was great to see and you there too

  11. Campbie to gazz says:

    December 11th, 2009 at 1:45 am

    Yes it was me. Kate got me over my fear of flying. That show was magic, RAH makes Carnegie look like a Wal Mart. What an audience!!
    Am sitting in hotel with a fever. Now back to bed to sweat this thing out. God Bless you gazz

  12. gazzacymru says:

    December 12th, 2009 at 6:19 am

    Thanks Campbie, hope you getting over your fever and be home soon.The RAH is a great venue for a great concert that everyone enjoyed.Hope there is a repeat in 2010.

    A joyous Christmas and peaceful New Year to you and the Mcgarrigle/Wainwrights

    Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

  13. Coleen Quinn says:

    January 19th, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    I am so saddened to hear of Kate’s passing – I first heard Kate and Anna in the 70’s from my friend Randy. Without realizing Kate was so ill, I have been listening to The McGarrigle Hour regularly – the music resonates so deeply. For her family – we will all miss her and are grateful for her wonderful presence.

  14. electrical contractor says:

    September 11th, 2023 at 11:00 pm

    What a delightful read about the behind-the-scenes chaos and cheer leading up to “A Not So Silent Night!” I fondly remember attending last year’s concert, where Rufus’s on-stage biscuit-making segment went hilariously awry—just like on Martha Stewart’s show. It’s heartwarming to see the Kate McGarrigle Fund continue to blend music and philanthropy in such an engaging way.

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